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Natural mineral water


A,,en,sending..,,en,Name,,en,Subscribe,,en,We use cookies on the website,,hu,which help us deliver the best possible services,,hu,By using our website further, you agree,,hu,to use cookies,,hu,Ok,,en natural mineral water perhaps one of the greatest treasures of our country, therefore extremely important to preserve these values.

The values ​​inherent in the natural mineral water?

Free of human interference natural mineral water for thousands of years in the depths of the soil layers, cleansed of harmful substances, ultimately serve to induce the surface of our health. After the addition, that natural mineral water impurities, useful minerals their body, makro- és mikroelemekkel telített.

However, the natural mineral water name of a source or fountain kiérdemelhesse, must go through a strict control of water, which is certified by the National Spa and Health Resorts Directorate.

The following requirements must be natural mineral waterhas to meet:

  • Protected aquifer comes from,
  • Inherently clean, uncontaminated,
  • Composition is known and constant,
  • Components may only set quantity,
  • Mineral and trace element content thanks to a favorable effect on health,
  • It should not be treated apart from some physical process (pl. filtration, reduce the iron content)
  • No free - with the exception of carbon dioxide - a foreign substance to the water,
  • The source must be bottled / well site, to maintain its original purity and composition
  • Strict microbiological requirements

What is worth more to the natural mineral waterknow about?

Az mineral waters origin, geological characteristics of the occurrence of essentially no different from the water below the surface of other, single, but this is a key difference, that water-protected, or unprotected, one. vulnerable to water base comes from. Natural mineral water protected aquifer comes from, and specified the size of the aquifer protection area is surrounded by researcher. A,,en,sending..,,en,Name,,en,Subscribe,,en,We use cookies on the website,,hu,which help us deliver the best possible services,,hu,By using our website further, you agree,,hu,to use cookies,,hu,Ok,,en natural mineral waternot be a source of environmental pollutants due to its, because the water bearing formations protected from surface contamination.

What natural mineral water with our customers?

Az Aqua Mathias natural mineral water egy úgynevezett védett rétegből származó karsztvíz, which Szekesfehervar, Hungary and of course the history of prominent figures of the, Was named after King Matthias. The earth's crust is protected by a layer of natural carbon dioxide content coming mineral water palatable, excellent thirst-quenching and also contains a number of important minerals. The test rating under the AQUA MATHIAS spring water can be consumed without quantitative restrictions, “pleasant refreshing effect, natural mineral water“. Due to the favorable composition of components for children and the elderly are strongly recommended for regular consumption.