"You can not define you, palatal, without having to get to know me.
It is not necessary or in life: or life itself.” (Antoine de Saint Exupéry)
Any natural water sources - such as spring water and mineral water – contain a greater or lesser number of chemical components. Cations of the various salts (pl. sodium, magnesium, you, zinc, molybdenum) és anionjai (pl. chloride, bicarbonate) varied composition can be found in the waters. These – water-dissolved state – salts determine the taste of water, the pleasure, pH and hardness, as well as the potential therapeutic effect. the salt consumed, A significant part of ions in the body's basic operation is essential.
Aqua mineral composition Mathias tetrmészetes:
Az Aqua Mathias natural mineral water significant amounts of calcium in the body, mainly plays an important role in the building of bones. It is strongly recommended childhood, pregnancy, during lactation, sportoláskor, and in old age. Due to the effect of reducing calcium-inflammatory and anti-allergic, az Aqua Mathias natural mineral water may ease the allergies in consumption. Inhibits kidney stone formation, the development of cardiovascular disease.
Magnesium content, it is especially recommended for athletes and for performing heavy physical work. Anti-stress effect reduces mental fatigue, improves the ability to concentrate.
A special feature of the silicic acid (dissolved silicon) which promotes the formation of fine leather, prevent the hair loss!
Content of Natural carbonated promote digestion, excellent taste and refreshing effect to the Extraordinary mineral water. This crystal-clear water is a natural synergy between the sum of individual items, that is impossible to imitate!
The content of the Aqua Mathias natural mineral water:
Cations | mg/l | Anionok | mg/l |
Calcium | 214 | Metakovasav | 51 |
Magnesium | 52 | Sulfate | 39 |
Potassium | 4,4 | Chloride | 5 |
Sodium | 65 | Fluoride | 0,1 |
Ammonium | 0,48 | Phosphate | 0,04 |
You | 0,2 | Bicarbonate | 1020 |
Effects of brief and organism Aqua Mathias natural mineral elements:
Calcium (As):
The majority of calcium found in the human body - about 97 %-a – accumulates in bones. Besides, in the enamel also are significant amounts of divalent calcium salts e.g.. kalcium-fluorid. The calcium in all tissues, cell occurs. The nervous system is vital processes, but it enables the movement muscle contractions, and the maintenance of myocardial contraction circulation is based on the presence of calcium ions.
Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesium plays an important role in the functioning of many enzymes. In addition, muscle function and neuronal processes are influenced.
Potassium (K) and Sodium (Of)
The potassium and sodium salts are readily soluble in water ionjaiként occur in the human body, and in all organs, tissues are. While higher potassium ion concentration within cells, while the sodium ions outside the cells experienced higher levels of background characteristics. Both ion plays an important role in the functioning of the body's buffering systems, important physiological equilibrium pH of the organization providing the. Sodium and potassium in the nerve, is involved in sensory processes, without the sensory activity would be inconceivable.
You (Fe)
The oxygen is transported in the blood erythrocytes containing hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the iron key central metal ion, with the absence of iron deficiency anemia is created. The vital molecules absorbed iron in the body, Thus the hemoglobin, a mioglobin, and various enzymes is a central component ionjává.
The human body, although small amounts, Just a few micrograms daily amount (1 program = 1000000 microgram), but definitely needs some metals, the so-called. micro-nutrient, also known as trace elements, which include, for example,. a card (Zn), MANGAN a (Mn), chromium (Cr), a nikkel (There is no), a réz (With), selenium (It), cobalt (Co) and Mo (You). These micro-nutrients the body enzyme- and hormone production, the smooth metabolism and tissue renewal required. Natural waters - lelőhelytől, Depending on the location of origin - other- and contain different amounts of trace elements. A glass of drinking water is not only vital to update the water molecules in the body, but also provides trace elements, as well as a liquid "having a large number of trace elements supplement".